No Joking: The Cure for Comedy
Welcome to the home page of No Joking: The Cure for Comedy - a timely new satirical novel that skewers the absurdities of a society where comedy is treated as a psychosocial disorder in a world that has lost its sense of humour.
Stirling Hunter presides over the Post-humourist Society, where the mere hint of a chuckle is cause for medical intervention. As the head of The Institute for Humour Disorders and Comedy Related Harm, he has helped to orchestrate a cultural coup, identifying comedy — and its pernicious offshoots of systemic bullying, ridicule, and 'micro-derisions' — as the root of all social ills.
Stirling and his cadre of earnest researchers and activists have reengineered society. Comedians are now medicated into submission, governments and corporations enforce anti-joke edicts, and the youth are indoctrinated against the evils of toxic humourism. Their ultimate goal? Nothing short of the complete decomedification of human communication.
As he embarks on his most ambitious research project yet – a root and branch deep dive into the Post-humourist Society he fought to create – disturbing revelations from his family’s past propel him into the black comedic undercurrent bubbling just below the surface of the safest society ever created, threatening to upturn his world and post-humourism itself.
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If you like them you can read bundles of two chapters for a dollar each - on the Laterpress reader page just keep reading at the end of chapter 2 (or click on the menu icon and then Table of Contents).
See 'Serial Novel' below for details of the serialised approach, more generally.
The novel is being published progressively in 2 chapter bundles from February until June, 2025. Read the first two chapters for freeRead the first two chapters free and then each chapter bundle as they become available. A new bundle will be released every second Saturday from February onwards - once you buy one bundle you'll get an email when the next one lands.
For instance, Chapters 5 & 6 (Feb 8th), Chapters 7 & 8 (Feb 22nd), Chapters 9 & 10 (Mar 8th), and so on...
There will be a total of 26 chapters in the final completed novel. If you buy all the online chapters between now and when the last bundle is released in June, you'll also receive a free paperback version (postage not included).
So, get involved - read onlineRead the first two chapters free, purchase each chapter bundle for just a dollar each, tell your friends and followers (below) and help to put something new into the world.
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Gregory Bird, at various times, to varying degrees of success - from almost none to a great deal - has been, or still is, amongst other things, in no particular order, the following:
singer-songwriter; medical school drop-out; Melbourne Comedy Festival award winning comedian; funeral director’s after-hours and corpse viewing attendant; Jacques Brel & Tom Waits impersonator; lions club youth of the year contestant; anatomy school cadaver pusher; teepee meditating hippie; serial technology start up founder; feral lead singer of the band that almost was almost more than almost any other band that should’ve been; artificial intelligence postgrad and software developer; tv comedy writer and showrunner; digital nomad; music festival producer; and satirical novelist.